Learning Theorist – Jean Piaget

Learning Theorist – Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget was the first psychologist in 1936 to design a systematic study of cognitive development (McLeod, 2018). His theory focused only on children and their development not their learning. The system is a stage theory not a linear progression (Teacher of Sci.)....
Learning Theorist – Erik Erikson

Learning Theorist – Erik Erikson

rik Erikson studied under Freud. He adapted Freud’s “Psychosexual Theory” into a psychosocial philosophy by having both psychological and social components to his eight stages of development that spans a human lifetime (Fulbrook, 2019). Each of Erikson’s stages has a...
Special Education Services

Special Education Services

What is special education? Special education is providing children the resources and/or supports they need to compete with other developing children their age. If there is something that impedes a child’s learning that child may qualify for special education services....
Kindergartener Development

Kindergartener Development

The development of the kindergartener for many children and families is huge. Most kindergartens have their first experience with school. While many children experience a pre-kindergarten program, kindergarten is very different for the child and family. Kindergarten...
Preschooler Development

Preschooler Development

By three years old, children have achieved many developmental milestones as newborns and toddlers. These preschoolers have developed their imagination and like to live in a fantasy world. They are also transitioning from parallel play to associate play as they...
Toddler Development

Toddler Development

Toddlers grow up fast and start to seek independence when they feel safe. While some toddlers will be outgoing, some may be reserved so it’s important to remember that each child develops on his/her own timeline. As a parent, you can not rush a child to accomplish a...