Nanny Standards


US National Nanny Standards

Being a nanny is a huge responsibility. Families trust nannies with the care and well-being of their most precious family members – their children.
The US Nanny Association’s National Nanny Standards provide a comprehensive approach to childcare and child development that enable nannies to successfully use and adapt caregiving techniques. The standards include diverse, proven methodologies and childcare skills that align with the differing needs of families, parenting customs and laws in the United States.

How Were the Standards Created?

The US Nanny Association National Nanny Standards for childcare are based on the research of childcare educators and industry leaders.
The National Nanny Standards align with national early childhood development post-secondary curricula, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessments, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
There are no laws requiring nanny standards in the United States. The US Nanny Association published standards to define and elevate the in-home childcare industry.
“The US Nanny Association published national nanny standards to define industry norms and create career paths for nannies. While the US Nanny Association has global membership, these standards are based on US customs and laws.”
Elizabeth Malson

Executive Director

The National Nanny Standards were established, approved and updated by the Standards Advisory Team. The Standards Advisory Team includes select members of the US Nanny Association and additional faculty, professional nannies, newborn care specialists, agency owners, nanny employers, parenting coaches and other childcare industry leaders. US Nanny Association National Standards align with US laws, childcare standards, professional conduct, education requirements & cultural norms.

The Nanny Standards Have 3 Categories

The National Nanny standards are divided into three categories:
  • Nanny (N)
  • Newborn and Infant (I)
  • Professional Nanny (P)
These levels align with the skills valued by nanny agencies, families and employers. In the United States, some families maintain that the childcare provider’s primary role is to supervise children and ensure they are kept safe. These families hire sitters and entry-level nannies, often paying entry-level wages. Other families want to hire a fully trained newborn and infant specialist or a professional nanny. These families view childcare as a profession and expect training and additional qualifications for higher wages.
Each standard has an alpha-numeric reference number. The first number identifies the standard (#1-7). The second number denotes if the standard is for Nanny (N), Newborn and Infant (I) or Professional (P). The third number is the unique identifier. The National Standards are cumulative. The Newborn and Infant Standards include the Nanny Standards and the Professional Nanny Standards include the Nanny Standards.

Nanny Standards

The Nanny Standards establish and maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment for children.

Standard #1: Commitment to ethical behaviors and professionalism.

1.N.1 Nannies are dependable, ethical, reliable, and are positive role models for children and they demonstrate virtuous attributes including integrity, truthfulness, fairness, and sincerity.

1.N.2 Nannies are courteous and respectful, demonstrating appropriate business etiquette when meeting potential employers, networking, and interacting on social media.

1.N.3 Nannies communicate openly and honestly, always communicating accurate information (incidents and accidents, resumes and work experience, et al).

1.N.4 Nannies are trustworthy, accountable, respect the privacy of their employers and fulfill their commitments and agreements.

1.N.5 Nannies are active listeners who genuinely listen when others are speaking.

1.N.6 Nannies know that all photos of children are the sole property of the parents and will not post or share any images without the parents’ expressed permission.

1.N.7 Nannies respect confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements, proprietary materials, trademarks, and copyrights.

1.N.8 Nannies have a combination of knowledge, skills and experience to adequately supervise children and are willing to learn and adapt to align with the needs of a family.

1.N.9 Nannies invest in educational qualifications and continuing education to gain specialized knowledge about early childhood development and education, elevating their skills and the nanny profession.

Standard #2: Establish and maintain a safe environment.

2.N.1 Nannies carefully supervise children, always remaining onsite and present, providing indoor and outdoor activities (weather permitting).

2.N.2 Nannies never smoke, consume alcohol or use drugs while looking after children. This includes prescriptions or over the counter medications that may affect a nanny’s ability to provide appropriate childcare.

2.N.3 Nannies wash their hands regularly and routinely clean and/or sanitize supplies as a standard practice.

2.N.4 Nannies recognize and respond appropriately to a variety of first aid, breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants.

2.N.5 Nannies know what an automated external defibrillator (AED) does, when an AED should be used and how to use an AED with CPR.

2.N.6 Nannies know how to correctly identify when an epi pen is required and how to administer it when necessary.

2.N.7 Nannies have a clear plan for responding to illnesses and injuries, recognize when a child needs to go to the emergency room and know how to notify the family.

2.N.8 Nannies know and can appropriately implement first aid for medical emergencies including fevers, choking, diabetes, seizures, and shock.

2.N.9 Nannies know and can appropriately implement first aid for injury emergencies including bleeding, mouth and tooth injuries, broken bones, sprains, bruises, and burns.

2.N.10 Nannies know and can appropriately implement first aid for environmentally caused medical situations including bites, stings, lice, temperature-related emergencies, poison, and drowning.

2.N.11 Nannies know the current local and state legal requirements and recommendations for car seats and wearing helmets. Nannies ensure car seats and helmets are used appropriately for all children in their care.

2.N.12 Nannies recognize common dangers in a home and mitigate risk to create safer environments for the children in their care.

2.N.13 Nannies know the signs of abuse, requirements to report suspected abuse, and how to report suspected child abuse.

Standard #3: Promote child development and growth.

3.N.1 Nannies adapt their childcare approach based on the age and development of the children in their care.

3.N.2 Nannies recognize developmental milestones including physical, social/emotional, language/communication and cognitive for newborns (2 months), infants (6 and 12 months), toddlers (2 years), preschoolers (4 years), and kindergarten (5 years) and notify the family if milestones are not achieved.

3.N.3 Nannies know and provide a range of age-appropriate activities and/or toys for newborns, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners.

3.N.4 Nannies create and maintain a calm atmosphere conducive to child development and growth.

Standard #4: Promote physical, emotional and social development.

4.N.1 Nannies properly provide infant care including diapering, bathing, dressing, and oral care. Nannies know that infants are placed on their backs to sleep with no other items in or attached to the crib.

4.N.2 Nannies know and use proper infant feeding amounts and techniques for breast milk and formula including correct handling of frozen or powdered solutions.

4.N.3 Nannies know proper infant lifting, carrying positions (snuggle, cradle, face-to-face, belly, football, facing out, hip), and safe swaddling techniques.

4.N.4 Nannies understand the differences between gross motor skills and fine motor skills, providing activities that help children develop physically in both areas.

4.N.5 Nannies define and use reflective listening with children.

4.N.6 Nannies understand the differences between and benefits of adult-directed and child-directed or self-directed play, providing opportunities for both types of play for the children in their care.

4.N.7 Nannies encourage children to play and work together and provide children with opportunities to learn and develop through exploration and play.

4.N.8 Nannies know how to answer age-appropriate questions about gender, genitals, and sex in the manner desired by the family.

Standard #5: Support cognitive development and academic advancement.

5.N.1 Nannies know toddler cognitive milestones and can provide activities designed to help children get better at problem solving, reasoning, and language skills.

5.N.2 Nannies know that literacy includes reading, writing, and communication (speaking and listening) skills and are able to select appropriate books and activities for a child’s skill level (board books, picture books, phonics, simply rhyming books, playing ‘Simon Says’, chapter books).

5.N.3 Nannies encourage infants and toddlers to play with toys and art materials that “do something” based on the child’s actions (building a tower with blocks and knocking it down or using playdough).

5.N.4 Nannies know the benefits of and can provide age-appropriate activities in art and music.

Standard #6: Promote nutrition, health and wellness.

6.N.1 Nannies know the national nutrition recommendations and use this information when creating menus for children in their care. Nannies provide nutritious snacks and foods while reducing or eliminating processed foods in a child’s diet.

6.N.2. Nannies understand the information on a nutrition label and the importance of serving size, calories, sodium, total sugars, nutrients, and ingredients. Nannies use this information to create nutritious meals for children in their care.

6.N.3 Nannies understand the human body’s need for water. Nannies frequently offer water to children and limit the child’s intake of juices and other processed or artificially flavored drinks.

6.N.4 Nannies know foods that have common allergens and appropriately care for a child with a food allergy, including managing a severe allergic reaction and avoiding cross-contamination.

6.N.5 Nannies mitigate the risk of foodborne illnesses by cooking food to safe temperatures (poultry is cooked to 165°F, ground meat is cooked to 160°F and fresh beef, veal, seafood, pork and lamb are cooked to 145°F).

6.N.6 Nannies know the food danger zone that occurs when food is at room temperature and bacteria thrive (between 40°F and 140°F). Nannies never serve food that has been left at room temperature for more than 1-2 hours.

6.N.7 Nannies know proper storage of common foods and are aware of expiration dates and shelf life. Nannies dispose of any foods that have not been stored properly or are past their expiration dates or shelf life.

6.N.8 Nannies utilize the proper techniques for cleaning fruit and vegetables as well as safely defrosting meat.

6.N.9 Nannies manage common health issues including constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, flu, colds, RSV, pneumonia, allergy rashes, roseola, fifth’s disease, scarlet fever, fever blisters, sunburns, eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, ringworm, ticks, lice, and know when these ailments require professional medical support.

6.N.10 Nannies correctly use appropriate methods to take a child’s temperature (axillary/underarm, tympanic/ear, temporal/forehead).

6.N.11 Nannies know they must have permission from parents before administering any medications and keep a record of all medication administrations (time, amount, type). Nannies always double check medication amounts, only using measuring cups provided with the medication.

6.N.12 Nannies know the adult vaccination recommendations and proactively communicate with families about their vaccination status.

6.N.13 Nannies are familiar with the benefits of regular physical activity, the elements of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility) and use this knowledge to recommend different physical activities for children.

6.N.14 Nannies know that children need at least one (1) hour of moderate activity per day, include physical activity in the child’s daily routine, and customize fitness programs to different age groups (4 to 7 and 8 to 11-year-olds).

6.N.15 Nannies recognize and can manage the physiological (physical) and psychological (emotional) signs of stress in children and adults.

Standard #7: Establish positive relationships with children, family members and employers.

7.N.1 Nannies effectively communicate the benefits of work agreements for nannies and employers, are aware of different types of contracts (written, oral, implied) and can use work agreements to clarify duties, compensation, and align on expectations.

7.N.2 Nannies know the federal (FLSA, Fact Sheet #79B, Fact Sheet #79D, Final Rule) and state and local employment laws as well as tax laws (IRS Publication 926) for domestic workers.

7.N.3 Nannies are familiar with child custody rights (legal, physical), personal and auto liability in childcare and are aware that hidden cameras in a home are legal except in private areas such as the bathroom.

7.N.4 Nannies provide families or employers regular, often daily, information about the child’s health, wellness, development, behavior, and learning.

7.N.5. Nannies are strong communicators who are genuinely enthusiastic, aware of their body language, maintain eye contact, have a positive attitude, and ask open ended questions.

7.N.6 Nannies respect all types of families including traditional (nuclear) and non-traditional (single parent, teen parent, blended, adoptive, generational/grandparent, same sex, never married).

“Published standards take the guesswork out of advancing from sitter to nanny to professional nanny. Knowing the standards align with teaching and other childcare degrees helps me invest in MY career path.”

Certified Nanny (NCP)

Test Your Nanny Knowledge

We have created a trivia game to test your knowledge on the Nanny Standards.
“Newborn and infant care specialists often earn a premium wage over traditional nanny jobs. Certification helps parents feel confident paying more when they are getting quality care to help them navigate the first year.”
Corina Brock

Certified Newborn and Infant Care


Newborn and Infant Care Standards

The Newborn and Infant Care Standards focus on those who care for preemies, newborns and infants to 12 months old.
The Newborn and Infant Care Professional (NICP) credential proficiency test covers the Nanny (N) Standards AND the Newborn and Infant Standards (I).

Standard #1: Commitment to ethical behaviors and professionalism.

1.I.1 Newborn care specialists effectively work as part of a team that may include parents, doulas, lactation consultants and extended family members.

1.I.2 Newborn care specialists may provide recommendations to new parents and will adapt to and support the decisions of the parents.

1.I.3 Newborn care specialists will discuss safety concerns with parents and will report suspected abuse to local authorities.

1.I.4 Newborn care specialists working night shifts with sleeping parents will view their entire shift as work and will not have a full-time night job and a full-time day job at the same time.

Standard #2: Establish and maintain a safe environment.

2.I.1 Newborn care specialists know their limitations and when overwhelmed will let a baby cry safely in a crib rather than risk harm to the child such as shaken baby syndrome.

2.I.2 Newborn care specialists are aware of the dangers of animals to a newborn and infant and can provide recommendations to modify the home and/or baby room to ensure an infant’s safety.

2.I.3 Newborn care specialists know the challenges of and can safely care for multiples.

2.I.4 Newborn care specialists can explain Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and how to minimize the risk of SIDS with safe sleeping practices.

2.I.5 Newborn care specialists are aware of the consequences of being distracted including the risk of forgetting a child in a hot car.

2.I.6 Newborn care specialists know the signs of postpartum depression (baby blues) and ways to support new moms, encourage them to get help when needed.

Standard #3: Promote child development and growth.

3.I.1 Newborn care specialists understand attachment theory (Bowlby, Ainsworth, Erikson), can define the four types of attachment (secure, resistant, avoidant and disorganized) and can apply techniques to encourage positive attachment with newborns and infants.

3.I.2 Newborn care specialists understand the term “fourth trimester” (the first 3 months of infancy) and the continued growth and development from the pregnancy as the infant’s body systems continue to develop and regulate function.

Standard #4: Promote physical, emotional and social development.

4.I.1 Newborn care specialists know the physical limitations of newborns and how it impacts infant care including limited eyesight, body temperature regulation, neck muscle limitations and fluid swallowing volumes.

4.I.2 Newborn care specialists know the reflexes of infants (root, suck, moro, tonic neck, grasp, stepping) and differentiate reflexes from infant developmental milestones to monitor the infant’s growth.

4.I.3 Newborn care specialists know infant physical milestones (roll over, sit upright, crawl, walk), sensory milestones (recognizes faces, turns head when called, copies expressions), and social-emotional milestones (smiling, eye contact, self-soothing, fear of strangers) and provide supportive activities for each milestone.

4.I.4 Newborn care specialists know and can track the emotional development milestones (primary emotions anger, joy, surprise, sadness and fear emerge between 2.5 and 7 months).

4.I.5 Newborn care specialists are aware of the 5 stage of consciousness (deep sleep, light sleep, drowsy, quiet alert, active alert and crying), can assess an infant’s current stage and adapt the environment as needed to care for the infant’s needs (ie creating a calm environment for a drowsy child to nap).

4.I.6 Newborn care specialists know the amount of sleep infants require and how to create a safe sleep space per the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines.

4.I.7 Newborn care specialists can manage common newborn and infant ailments including umbilical cord, circumcision, cradle cap, hair loss, teething, baby acne, colic, diarrhea, constipation, croup, and fevers.

4.I.8 Newborn care specialists know that infants react to the emotional state of their caregiver, and thus manage their emotional state when caring for a child. Newborn care specialists also know that infants have their own temperament and can adjust their care to the infant’s temperament.

Standard #5: Support cognitive development and academic advancement.

5. I.1 Newborn care specialists can identify and track cognitive milestones including intentionally dropping an object, object permanence, and stranger anxiety.

5.I.2 Newborn care specialists understand and effectively communicate the benefits of reading and speaking to newborns and infants for language and cognitive development and incorporate reading into their daily routine.

5.I.3 Newborn care specialists know and effectively communicate the benefits of playing different types of music when caring for newborns and infants and incorporate music into the daily routine.

5.I.4 Newborn care specialists know basic baby sign language, can communicate the benefits of baby sign language to parents, and if desired by the parents, are able to introduce signs to infants.

Standard #6: Promote nutrition, health and wellness.

6.I.1 Newborn care specialists know the signs of colic (unexpected, resists soothing, pain-like face, long lasting, common between 2 and 5 months and more likely in the late afternoon or evening) and the steps to take when managing colic.

6.I.2 Newborn care specialists know food safety (never microwave, storage temperatures, expiration dates, time out of refrigeration), safe feeding techniques (breastmilk, formula and introducing solids), how to transition from breastmilk to formula, and feeding guidelines (stomach capacity by age, bottle flow rate).

6.1.3 Newborn care specialists know the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations for infant nutrition and the nutritional composition breast milk (colostrum, foremilk, hindmilk, transitional and mature) and common formulas (cow milk protein-based, soy-based and protein hydrolysate) and plan newborn feedings accordingly.

6.I.4 Newborn care specialists know the benefits of and how to implement baby led weaning.

6.I.5 Newborn care specialists effectively manage infant waste including disposable and cloth diapers, wiping front to back, cleaning up a blow out and identifying and treating diaper rash.

6.I.6 Newborn care specialists know the drowning risks and how to safely bath an infant and apply these techniques to ensure the child’s safety.

6.I.7 Newborn care specialists support preemies with at-home managed medical issues and implement immunocompromised precautions to avoid public places, limit visitors, and wear masks.

6.I.8 Newborn care specialists know the difference between chronological and corrected age and its importance to track preemie developmental milestones.

6.I.9 Newborn care specialists can identify and care for common medical and health issues such as cleft palate, tongue tied, reflux and pyloric stenosis, plagiocephay and brachycephaly and care for newborn skin ((lanugo, vernix, milia, pustular melanosis, erythema toxicum).

6.I.10 Newborn care specialists can provide recommendations on how to create a safe sleep environment and soothing baby room with safely secured changing stations, infant safe equipment, and American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) approved soothing devices.

Standard #7: Establish positive relationships with children, family members and employers.

7.I.1 Newborn care specialists discuss infant developmental milestone notification with the family and learn whether the family wants to be notified or not when an infant achieves a milestone. Newborn care specialists realize most parents want to experience their baby’s ‘first’ even if a childcare provider saw the milestone before the parents.

7.I.2 Newborn care specialists discuss positive discipline techniques with parents as the infant turns 4 months old and aligns with the parents on when and how the word “no” will be used.

7.I.3 Newborn care specialists provide daily activity tracking for parents including feedings (time, amount), sleep, medications and excretions.

Test Your Newborn and Infant Care Knowledge

We have created a trivia game to test your knowledge on the Newborn and Infant Standards.

Professional Nanny Standards

The Professional Nanny Standards are designed for those who have invested in early childhood education, have gained comprehensive childcare knowledge and are dedicated to a childcare career.
The Professional Nanny and Care Professional (PNCP) proficiency test covers the Nanny (N) Standards AND the Professional Nanny Standards (P).

Standard #1: Commitment to ethical behaviors and professionalism.

1.P.1 Nannies understand the different communication styles (analytical, intuitive, functional, personal) and can use them in their interactions with children and families.

1.P.2 Nannies show respect and tolerance for all cultures and religions, teaching children about diversity and inclusion.

1.P.3 Nannies know the significance of their legal responsibility to protect the children in their care from negligence.

1.P.4 Nannies strive for excellence and provide a superior quality of service which surpasses basic childcare standards.

1.P.5 Nannies positively represent themselves and the nanny community, sharing their knowledge and experiences.

Standard #2: Establish and maintain a safe environment.

2.P.1 Nannies know the benefits of an emergency kit, know what should be included in the kit based on local environmental and other threats, and know where the kit should be stored for maximum availability.

2.P.2 Nannies are prepared to handle medical emergencies, execute a fire escape plan, know what to do if they encounter an active shooter, manage an auto accident and care for children during a power outage.

2.P.3 Nannies are prepared to protect the children in their care during natural disasters including earthquakes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, winter storm or heat wave.

2.P.4 Nannies use their water safety training to keep children safe around water. These skills include how to reduce drowning risk, the signs of secondary drowning, how to correctly use approved floatation devices, enforcing pool safety laws, and interpreting beach warning flags.

2.P.5 Nannies can go room by room to identify and remove child hazards, making the home a safer environment for children. Known hazards include loose bedding, accessible cords, potential poisons (including medicines and cleaning supplies), breakable items, small refrigerator magnets, and others.

Standard #3: Promote child development and growth.

3.P.1 Nannies comprehend childhood developmental theories and know how they are used with children including Attachment Theory (Bowlby, Ainsworth), Psychosocial Theory (Erikson), Cognitive Development Theory (Piaget), Sociocultural Theory (Vygotsky), and Social Learning Theory (Bandura).

3.P.2 Nannies understand Classical (Pavlov) and Operant (Skinner) Conditioning and how positive reinforcement can be used with children.

3.P.3 Nannies are knowledgeable about different learning approaches and know how they are used with children including Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, Pikler, RIE, learning styles (visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, and solitary), and gender neutral.

3.P.4 Nannies can effectively articulate the benefits of early childhood education.

3.P.5 Nannies are familiar with the general skills children need to be ready for preschool and kindergarten and provide activities to help the child develop and enhance these skills.

Standard #4: Promote physical, emotional and social development.

4.P.1 Nannies know the reflexes of infants (root, suck, moro, tonic neck, grasp, stepping) and differentiate reflexes from infant developmental milestones to monitor the infant’s growth.

4.P.2 Nannies know infant physical milestones (roll over, sit upright, crawl, walk), sensory milestones (recognizes faces, turns head when called, copies expressions), and social-emotional milestones (smiling, eye contact, self-soothing, fear of strangers) and provide supportive activities for each milestone.

4.P.3 Nannies identify and care for infant and childhood ailments including cradle cap, hair loss, teething, baby acne, colic, diarrhea, constipation, croup, chicken pox, hand-foot-and-mouth, measles, and sprain.

4.P.4 Nannies know when and how to introduce solid foods.

4.P.5 Nannies can identify signs a child is ready for toilet training and are familiar with methods to support toilet training.

4.P.6 Nannies know the average amount of sleep needed per day for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and create schedules that allow for enough sleep.

4.P.7 Nannies know child nutrition needs and the average caloric requirements by age and provide daily diets that meets these nutrition needs.

4.P.8 Nannies understand positive discipline techniques (distraction, redirection, natural and logical consequences, 1-2-3 Magic) and know how to effectively use them in situations such as temper tantrums and biting.

4.P.9 Nannies help children develop self-regulation skills and resiliency using delayed gratification, patience, positive self-talk and resolving conflicts by identifying feelings, describing problems, and trying alternative solutions.

4.P. 10 Nannies know the social-emotional milestones of elementary aged children and help children manage independence, peer pressure, stress, insecurity, and view of self (self-concept).

Standard #5: Support cognitive development and academic advancement.

5.P.1 Nannies know infant milestones (different cries, looking for hidden objects, respond to simple requests) and toddler milestones (experimentation, sequence of steps, deferred imitation) and provide supportive activities for each age-appropriate milestone.

5.P.2 Nannies are familiar with the Common Core curriculum and skill-based reading levels, assist children who are behind in their schoolwork, support children who are accelerated, and use conversation and/or games to improve reading comprehension.

5.P.3 Nannies understand the positive developmental impact of art and music on children with respect to creativity, academic performance, motor skills, confidence building, visual learning, decision making, perseverance, focus, collaboration and accountability.

5.P.4 Nannies are familiar with songs that teach children listening, math and counting, movement, color association, and body awareness and incorporate these songs into the child’s routine.

5.P.5 Nannies create an age-appropriate schedule of play with activities that include science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for each child in their care.

5.P.6 Nannies understand the goal of homework and help students organize their environment, manage their time, work independently, manage their emotions, and take breaks.

5.P.7 Nannies are familiar with Bloom’s Taxonomy and effectively use it with elementary school aged children to advance their levels of understanding.

5.P.8 Nannies understand and apply Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (linguistic, musical, spatial, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, existential, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal).

5.P.9 Nannies have at least an introductory understanding of children with special needs including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Disability (SLD) and Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Asperger Syndrome (AS).

5.P.10 Nannies understand that any child can be at risk or a youth in crisis (health, family, drugs, peer pressure, bullying, etc.), can identify the warning signs and knows how to get help.

5.P.11 Nannies are aware of the six areas of giftedness (artistic & visual performing arts, leadership, creative thinking, intellectual ability, academic, and psychomotor), can debunk myths, and identify and support challenges facing children who are gifted or academically advanced.

Standard #6: Promote nutrition, health and wellness.

6.P.1 Nannies know the importance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat, protein) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and use this knowledge to create a well-balanced diet.

6.P.2 Nannies understand the labeling differences between organic, natural, fortified, and whole foods and apply this knowledge when choosing foods and snacks.

6.P.3 Nannies know the average nutritional needs (calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates) of children aged 2-3 and 4-8 [including the difference between boys and girls’ requirements] and apply this knowledge when creating daily menus.

6.P.4 Nannies promote healthy eating choices, role model healthy eating and create a healthy, balanced daily food plan for children in their care.

6.P.5 Nannies use techniques that encourage children to try new foods and overcome food “dislikes”.

6.P.6 Nannies are familiar with common special diets including vegetarian, vegan, elimination, gluten free, high energy, low FODMAP, Mediterranean, and paleo, and utilize these diets as requested by families.

6.P.7 Nannies are familiar with medical diets including those for cystic fibrosis (high fat and calorie), epilepsy (ketogenic/low carbohydrate), diabetes (low carbohydrate), underweight and failure to thrive (high calorie) and provide appropriate meals for children requiring these special diets.

6.P.8 Nannies understand how body mass index (BMI) differs from weight and ways obesity impacts health.

6.P.9 Nannies understand the importance of supporting child athletes and teach good sportsmanship through age-appropriate activities and goals, strong communication, encouragement and by making it fun.

6.P.10 Nannies identify and use stress management techniques (lifestyle changes, reframing, thought stopping, thought challenging, journaling, taking a break, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation) to help themselves and children in their care.

Standard #7: Establish positive relationships with children, family members and employers.

7.P.1 Nannies identify family characteristics (attachment, financial resources, emotional support, permanency), family dynamics (egalitarian, patriarchal, matriarchal), and view of parenting (lifestyle and discipline strategies), using this information to adapt to the needs of the family.

7.P.2 Nannies are aware of their culture, as well as the family’s culture, cultural relativism, multiculturalism, stereotypes, and can share differing cultures with children through stories, crafts, holiday celebrations, music, and other play.

7.P.3. Nannies understand the most common parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, laissez-faire) and can adapt to the preferences of the family. Nannies are mindful of stereotyped behaviors (attachment parenting, free-range, helicopter parent, tiger moms, and lawnmower parents).

“I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Reviewing the standards helped me identify my strengths and the gaps in my childcare knowledge.“

Certified Professional Nanny

Test Your Professional Nanny Knowledge

We have created a trivia game to test your knowledge on the Professional Nanny Standards.